Stream Schedule

Stream Schedule
Throne of GamesSaturday9pm ET
Thursday ThroneThursday9pm ET
Holding CourtM-W-F2pm ET
Early Throne Special (on hiatus)alt. Saturdays2pm ET

Monday, December 31, 2018

Together into the New Year

Tonight, we venture out together to lands unknown (read: multiplayer games, as yet undetermined). Don't forget your uxh!

We begin soon, and continue as long as we are able. Tune in to watch, and/or join up with us!

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[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Subnautica - Session 4

We're goin' deeper underwater

There's too much...water in this...planet

Well, that didn't fit. At all.

Join us at 9pm ET as we continue Subnautica!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Thursday Throne - Uhhhhh...

Daniel isn't here, scant few minutes remain before the stream, and I have no idea what I'm going to play.  I'd better choose quick...!

Tune in and find out, I guess?

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[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Stone of Graves - Murdered: Soul Suspect - Session 3

Something something before Christmas.

I feel like I missed something last time...after we'd advised Joy to go to the police for her safety, we catch up with her there, and she's being interrogated...? Well, anyway, we helped her grab her mom's notebook (which Baxter had in his office for some reason) and sneak out. Following a lead found therein, we headed to the cemetery to question ghosts about a recent Bell Killer victim found there. We found the victim's ghost, and hoo boy, there's some weird ritual kinda stuff going on with this guy.

The mystery continues to unfold tonight at 9pm ET in Murdered: Soul Suspect!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thursday Throne - Mercenary Kings - Facility Pillaging

Lots of fancy materials dropping in this place! Glad it keeps sending us back. All the shiny new weapons~

Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we continue Mercenary Kings!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Stone of Graves - Murdered: Soul Suspect - Session 3

Had to cut last week short cuz I was feeling poorly, so I didn't get much done in this; hopefully, I can make a full session this time.

Murdered: Soul Suspect continues tonight at 9pm ET!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Mercenary Kings - Cheap Tactics

The Prime Soldiers turned out to be our fallen comrades, surprising no one. Also, giant mandrake zombies.

Mercenary Kings continues tonight at 9pm ET!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Stone of Graves - Murdered: Soul Suspect - Session 2

Nope, the Stone's still rolling, even though it's December! Missing weeks is mostly to blame here.

After investigating the scene of our own death, we found another crime scene—the break-in that had occurred just prior, the trespasser being our killer. The place belonged to a psychic who had consulted with the police on occasion; no sign of her, but our ability to "see" what had recently happened led us to find her daughter, who, of course, is also psychic. When we left off, I believe we'd advised her to go to the police station for her safety, but I don't recall whether she was going to take the advice.

So, join us at 9pm ET as we continue Murdered: Soul Suspect!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday Throne - Mercenary Kings - What were we doing again...?

We've had some time away from Mandragora Island because Steve was finally consistently free for Borderlands. But now we've finished Borderlands, and I don't wanna leave this just hanging.

So, join us tonight at 9pm ET as we return to Mercenary Kings!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Subnautica - Session 2

So, when we failed to Silent Hill previously, we started this instead! Spaceship crashes onto this ocean planet, you survive in an escape pod, and you don't know how many others there are, if any. You also lack supplies to last very long. But the world is rich with resources, if you know how to use them; survival is the name of the game.

Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we continue Subnautica!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Silent Hill - NEVERMIND

A man searches for his missing daughter, and falls into a hellish mystery.

Halloween may be over, but there's no reason we can't continue the spoops! So join us as we begin Silent Hill in just a few minutes!

Welp, technical difficulties! We're doing something else.

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thursday Throne - Borderlands - Session 17

Since we finished Sweet Home, it's time to return to our regularly scheduled programming! We're still driving around the desert, as I recall, dealing with assassins and doing missions for Moxxi and stuff.

Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we return to Borderlands!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Stone of Graves - Yomawari: Night Alone - Session 2

Well, that went from zero to trauma in just a couple minutes, but it's come down to "very unsettling" territory now. We'll see how this continues...

Yomawari: Night Alone continues tonight at 9pm ET.

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

An Early Grave - Costume Quest 2 - Session 2

A time wizard has changed the past, and with help from our future friends, we have gone back to stop them!

Costume Quest 2 continues in just a few minutes!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thursday Thanatopsis - Sweet Home - Session 4

Wow, Yamamura got a pretty gruesome death, especially for an NES game.

Sweet Home continues tonight at 9pm ET!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday Thanatopsis - Sweet Home - Session 3

We met a guy who's been stuck in the mansion for a while and has figured out his way around...but then he got ambushed while trying to help us.

Also, I derped hard without saving right beforehand...dunno how far back that set me, but that's where we're starting from this week.

Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we continue Sweet Home!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Stone of Graves - Murdered: Soul Suspect

There's a serial killer on the loose, and it's your job to track him down. You are also his latest victim.

I've always thought this sounded like a really neat concept. It looks part L.A. Noire, part Fahrenheit, part Geist. I'm really excited to finally get around to this game!

Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we begin Murdered: Soul Suspect!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

An Early Grave - Costume Quest 2

The world has become a dental dystopia. The only resistance is a small band of children, who must travel through time to save Halloween and prevent their horrible future from coming to pass.

Okay, honestly, I've had this game for a while, but I had no idea that's what it was about until just now. It sounds wonderfully absurd.

Join us at 3pm ET as we begin Costume Quest 2.

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday Thanatopsis - Sweet Home - Session 2

We got very lost last time because I didn't realize what the flashlight was for. But after we got that figured out, things continued pretty smoothly. Let's see if I can keep that up tonight.

Join us at 9pm ET as we continue Sweet Home!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Stone of Graves - Yomawari: Night Alone

A little girl is on an evening stroll when things go horribly awry...

I was distracted by other stuff on Radio PSI and forgot to do stream prep until just now ugh. We'll be starting Yomawari: Night Alone in a few minutes, just as soon as I finish putting everything together.

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday Thanatopsis - Sweet Home

A group of investigators enter an abandoned mansion to find a piece of art they believe to be inside. They are immediately confronted by a vengeful spirit, who collapses the entrance, blocking off the only way out they know. But surely there are other routes of escape...?

I mean, that'd be a pretty big fire code violation if there was only the front door.

Kicking off the October block this year, Sweet Home begins in just a few minutes!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Two Point Hospital - Session 3

I think we left off last time still shinying up our second hospital, and things are already starting to get hectic. What challenges could still be in store in number three and beyond?

Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we continue Two Point Hospital!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday Throne - Borderlands Hopefully?

We have a Steve this week, but I've not yet made contact with Trey. This may or may not hamper our ability to continue tonight. But hopefully it'll work out! If not, we've got the usual fallback.

Join us at 9pm ET!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Two Point Hospital - Session 2

I think we aced our first hospital last time, so this week, it's on to the next! I wonder what new diseases/mechanics will be introduced this time...

Join us at 9pm ET as we continue Two Point Hospital!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday Throne - Mercenary Kings - Things and Stuff

I'm really tired and out of it. I don't remember exactly what was going on. I'm probably going to be way off my game, too, at least to start with. Let's hope the failures are at least comical.

Tune in tonight at 9pm ET as we continue Mercenary Kings!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - For the Pre-Halloween Slump

We need some filler to carry us to October, so John suggested we get some multiplayer Dawn of War happening. Sounds good to me!

So join us tonight at 9pm ET for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Early Throne Special - Secret World Legends - Session 7

Hellmouth in a motel, huh? Fiery, freestanding door inside room 13? I'm sure nothing bad could happen if I opened it, I mean, it's in the middle of the room, it'd just be the other side of the door...

Secret World Legends continues at 3pm ET!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday Throne - Mercenary Kings - Prime Soldier Directive

We finally beat the Violence Kings! Something just kinda clicked with their pattern in the first phase, and then we cheesed the second phase. So now we're dealing with the Prime Soldiers.

Join us at 9pm ET as we continue Mercenary Kings!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Two Point Hospital

Y'know, I think I played this game about 20 years ago...and I loved it then. By all accounts, they've only improved on the formula. So let's cure diseases and make money doing it!

Two Point Hostpital begins tonight at 9pm ET!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Early Throne Special - Secret World Legends - Session 6

We investigated the Polaris, and found some big creepies in there. Not much remains to be discovered in Kingsmouth for now, but there's more to Solomon Island than the town center.

Secret World Legends continues at 3pm ET!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Doki Doki Literature Club - Session 2

So, we played this once a while back, when we were missing Daniel. Now, having finished Sailor Moon: Another Story, continuing this feels like a suiting prelude to the Halloween season. The first gut-punch happened last time, and the first indication that something very strange is going on even beyond that.

So! Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we return to Doki Doki Literature Club!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thursday Throne - Borderlands - Session 16

Whoops, got distracted when I meant to make a post again. Still running around helping Moxxi and Scooter. Had some fun glitchy-times last week, scroll back in the Discord and check out the screenshots Trey posted.

Join us in about 10 minutes as we continue Borderlands!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, August 25, 2018

West of Loathing - Session 8 Probably

So, I learned this week that the pile of buffalo bones was a real thing that actually existed. I mean, I'm pretty sure it wasn't full of necromancers, but still, wow. Kellogg, Emperor Norton, and now this...what else in this game is stranger than fiction?

Join us at 9pm ET as we continue West of Loathing!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Early Throne Special - Secret World Legends - Session 5

We met the skater kid and the junkyard proprietor, and found our way to the airport, where Orochi seems to have set up operations. And we've barely even begun to pull back the veil on Solomon Island...

Secret World Legends continues in just a few minutes!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thursday Throne - Borderlands - Session 15

Wow, this expansion sure upped the difficulty. We're managing, though.

Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we continue Borderlands!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon: Another Story - Session 11

Gah, I just realized I hadn't posted about tonight's show. Last time, we had to leave off in the middle of a string of really annoying bosses; yay for savestates, I guess, for allowing us to do that.

Tune in in just a few minutes as we continue Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon: Another Story!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday Throne - Mercenary Kings - Let's Try That Again

So, as you can see further back the timeline, we actually managed to Borderlands last week, so last-minute switcheroo. Summary last week can serve again today.

Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we continue Mercenary Kings!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thursday Throne - Mercenary Kings - No Wait it's Borderlands

The first fight with the Violence Kings is proving very difficult. We might not be up to the task just yet.

But join us tonight at 9pm ET as we keep on trying in Mercenary Kings!


[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, August 4, 2018

West of Loathing - Session...7?

Not only did I just remember to make a blog post minutes before the stream, but looking back, I think I may have forgotten to make one entirely the last time I played this game. I swear we played it at least once in July.

In scant minutes, we continue West of Loathing!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Early Throne Special - Secret World Legends - Session 4

There's something fishy going on here...

Secret World Legends continues at 3pm ET!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon: Another Story - Session 10

The story's just getting less and less coherent. I'd say that's because the villains are succeeding in screwing up the timeline more and more, but that's probably giving the game too much credit.

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon: Another Story continues tonight at 9pm ET!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Thursday Throne - Borderlands - Session 13

Woo, should be finishing the main story this week! Or getting close to it. Then on to the remaining post-game stuff.

Join us at 9pm ET for more Borderlands!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Thursday Throne - Mercenary Kings - The Missing Chapter

So, last Thursday, we apparently disconnected about 22 minutes in, and nobody noticed until we were wrapping up. Lame. And there were some pretty big things in there, like defeating Baron, and the reveal of the super soldiers he'd been trying to engineer. We also ventured into the temple, which is pretty crazy. And there are amazons riding capybaras. And no, I'm not just making stuff up to make you sad you missed it.

Join us tonight at 9pm ET as we continue Mercenary Kings!

[ Watch: TwitchTV ]
[ Talk: Discord ]

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon: Another Story - Session 9

What the heck was going on? There's time-travel shenanigans, but I don't remember anything more specifically than that. It's been two months.

Tune in and remember along with us as we continue Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon: Another Story tonight at 9pm ET!

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[ Talk: Discord ]